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SMD Activator MEID Bypass iPhone 6, 6+ with signal Mac Only

Before order  ( Download tool then check device if supported ( with signal )  or not supported ) 

If the show is supported with signal, then :

 need to connect to the tool and submit

P/s on tool smd bypass: must plug phone + open tool first. If support; then order serial


1. Send Serial on Website

2 when the show in the process it means it's registered

3 connect the device and click activate

4 when it show has done then you get a reply from the server done


If Tool showed device is supported ( Without signal )

Fix error if tool showed without signal on smd activator

1- Download tool ibypasser v3.3 at here: https://www.mediafire.com/file/j2e369sci7ur4gq/iBypasser_v3.3_Ranzhie07.rar/file

2- Open tool and use function restore baseband

3- Then wipe phone by ipasser

4- Jailbreak and do again with smd activator

Note :

Some rejected from iremove and mina, supported with SMD

DELIVERY TIME : Instant To Few Hours